Twasa-To look beyond and inside
Peter McKenzie is chief photographer, SADC region for the Pan African press agency Panapress. Directed the documentary film ‘What Kind?’ about his home township of Wentworth, Durban. Most recent exhibition PANAF, Alge- ria, ‘Local Racism, Global Apartheid: South Africa as a Paradigm’, Barcelona, Spain and ‘Here and There’ a traveling exhibition on migration in the SADC region. Works with several NGOs, international publications, has recently photo edited the book ‘District 6 Revisited’. Teaches at the Institute for the Advancement of Journalism (IAJ), the Market Photo Workshop, where he is a member of the Advisory Council and in Lagos, Nigeria with the World Press Foundation. Served on the board of the Market Theatre Foundation until 2008. Presently lives and works between Marseilles, France and Johan- nesburg, South Africa.